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Amazon USA Delivery Countries

Amazon USA Delivers to the following Countries

Amazon.com ships products internationally with AmazonGlobal. Available product lines, shipping rates and fees vary depending on the delivery address for your order.

The majority of items in Amazon’s product catalog can be shipped to over 100 countries. These include:


Africa and Middle East

Bahrain, Jordan, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia

Egypt, Kenya, Oman, South Africa

Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates

Ghana, Morocco, Mauritius, Namibia

Reunion, Tanzania, Mayotte, Zimbabwe



Bermuda, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay

Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela

Canada, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia

Chile, Guadeloupe, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados

Micronesia, French Guiana, Jamaica, Saint Martin



Asia and Pacific

Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea

China, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan

Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Thailand

India, Macao, Singapore, New Caledonia

Fiji, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Marshall Islands




Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Serbia

Belgium, Greece, Malta, Slovakia

Bulgaria, Hungary, Monaco, Slovenia

Cyprus, Iceland, Netherlands, Spain

Czech Republic, Ireland, Norway, Sweden

Denmark, Italy, Poland, Switzerland

Estonia, Latvia, Portugal, Turkey

Finland, Liechtenstein, Romania, United Kingdom

France, Lithuania, Russia, Saint Barthelemy

Andorra, Albania, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Gibraltar

Croatia, San Marino, Vatican City


  • There may be limitations on where and whether Amazon Marketplace sellers offer

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